Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hello, World!

I'm not new to blogging - I've tried them all, and left most of them for dead.  Every so often I get an email telling me that I have a comment on a site I'd forgotten all about, then I'd marvel at how determined the spam bots are, insisting on posting when the entry has been dormant for five years...

I have a blog, over on Wordpress.  But it seems that most of the people I follow are on Blogger, which means when I comment on their posts, I have to do extra confirmation that I'm human, which for some reason has gotten to be completely unreadable over the last month.

It turns out there's no easy way to just shift everything from one system to another, so I'm going to be leaving another blog to wither and die out there somewhere.  Maybe.  Maybe I can figure out how people maintain multiple blogs without repeating themselves too much.

In the meantime, I have this nice, new shiny blog to fill (and an old, almost dead book blog that I shall try and update too), so kick back and enjoy the show.  Well, enjoy the photos of half-assed art journal spreads, obsessive photos of my filofax and the odd photo challenge.  Oh, and updates on my big weight loss project, which is all of a month old (the novelty hasn't worn off yet).

Yay for new blogs!

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